Sufficient Surroundings

You are enough. Your environment is sufficient for you at this very time. You are adequate in everything that you have done and will do. Finding fulfillment and a sense of sufficiency in our everyday lives can be challenging. Whatever you may need can be found in the resources that God has provided for you. You are not defined by your deficiencies. God calls you whole. You have an abundance in Him. During this season, remember that you are sufficiently surrounded by everything and everyone that you need.

Sometimes it can feel like you need to accomplish more. Yes, we were created for more. God delights in our more; however, do not let your more become more powerful than what is required of you. There is such beauty in recognizing that in this very moment you and everything attached to you is sufficient. God already considered all of the problems that you would run in to. He added the unexpected into the equation. He knows and absolutely cares about your worries and concerns. Maybe in this season, God is training you to become ok with everything that is in your sight right now. You will have to be comfortable with little to be compensated for a lot. You will have to accept progression rather than perfection. Your more can be found in what is happening in this moment in time. There is sufficiency in the chaos. You are capable through the limitations. You may miss what God is doing when you set out to look for the things that are not for you. Your life has been set through the eyes of Jesus. He is enough for you.

The void that you are trying to fill is already running over. We can focus our attention on the blessings that are in our view. Moments of gratitude can help us steer our way through the day. Acknowledge your strides and efforts. You may not be where you desire, but you are sufficient in every single aspect of your endeavors. You are not measured by your losses or status. You and everything that covers you is enough. Find sufficiency in wherever you may go in this season. Be present in the important moments that come your way. Your surroundings are set by God. Take a moment in all of the busyness and stress to position yourself in a moment of appreciation. Your sufficiency can develop in abundance when you start to see the value of gratification that is found in the Lord. God sees your insufficiencies as capabilities. He does not see the barriers that you see. You are equipped for the job. You are the one He is using. You are sufficient because God is in you. Everything you need is in Jesus.

“That the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” -2 Timothy 3:17

“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence,” -2 Peter 1:3

“Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God,” -2 Corinthians 3:5

Purposeful Pieces©

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